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MadAntiCheat V2

MadAntiCheat V2 is a remake of MadAntiCheat V1, which had a lot of flaws, false positives, and unoptimized code. I created V2 in hopes of fixing that!


In order to install MadAntiCheat, simply insert this model into your game, configure it, and the model will load the anti cheat for you! Model link


MadAntiCheat has a lot of features packed into it, from administrative utilities to preventing exploiters from using exploits in your games! Here is a list of all current features:


While MadAntiCheat V2 is certainly an improvement compared to V1, it can still interfere with external scripts. Because of this, I have made it so that developers can interact with the API to disable certain checks, such as speed.

Getting the API module

In order to get the API module, you can simply do:

local MadAntiCheatAPI = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("MadAntiCheatAPI"):WaitForChild("MadAntiCheatAPI"))

Once you have the API required, you can begin to interact with it. In order to interact with any server sided checks (speed, ping, etc), you must use the invoke method. Below is an example of interacting with the speed check.


The code above will ignore the player for one check, once that check has passed it will continue to check them. Speed Check Documentation:

Method Argument(s) Effect
“ignorePlayerNext” Player Ignores check on player once.
“ignorePlayer” Player Ignores checks on the player.